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Cinthia + Justin

I ask our couples to write me a letter about why they want to be married.

Here's to Cinthia and Justin!

Dear Christel,

I want to get married because he’s the one. There’s no one else for me and I’m excited to spending a lifetime with Justin, showing him just how much I love him and why. I’m excited to grow old with him to have lived out all of our hopes and dreams and even though we have different goals and aspirations, I’m excited about going our separate ways together. I’m excited to face life as Mr. and Mrs. because I know there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for each other. A lifetime with Justin sounds like our own piece of paradise. Everything I have done, led me to this moment - my truest destiny.


Dear Christel,

Being with Cinthia makes me want to be the best. It makes me a “go-getter” because I always want to see her happy and i’m willing to do whatever’s needed to make that happen. She’s changed me in the best way possible. I am more “me” when I’m with her. I want us to get married so that I can do for what she has done for me and it may take me out whole lives. Every day of forever, I want to express my gratitude. I want to show her how far her love has gotten me. I love Cinthia in a way I have never loved anyone or anything. Getting married is definite. The final piece towards starting a family. We are the Davies’.


Congratulations to the Davies!

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